
Private practice Dr. med. Miriam Rusznak

Shanghaiallee 17
20457 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 40 63862128
Telefax: : +49 40 63862128

Responsible for the contents

Dr. med. Miriam Rusznak
(Address see above)

Medical Council

Ärztekammer Hamburg
Weidestraße 122 b
22083 Hamburg

Telefon: 040 - 202299-0
Fax: 040 - 202299-400

For legal regulations of the Medical Council of Hamburg see:

Specialist Qualifications

Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
General Surgery
Sports Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Chiropractic Medicine

All specialist qualifications were granted in Germany.


Concept and design of the website

FACHWERK 5 – Studio für Kommunikationsdesign

Picture sources

© Christoph Alt
© Nils Gaudlitz
© Hermann Steigert
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